About Story Lodge

Story Lodge is the first lodge to be constituted under the Grand Lodge of Utah. We have a rich history and continue to forge the way to a bright future.

Who are We?

Located in Provo, Utah, Story Lodge members consist of men of all ages from all walks of life. We are proud members of the fraternity and active in the community.

What do We Do?

Square and Compass Spreading the chief tenants of Freemasonry which are Truth, Relief, and Brotherly Love. We love the lessons, symbols, and meanings found within Freemasonry and have an emphasis on doing proper ritual work to meaningfully communicate the rich, moral lessons. We also support the community and do activities together.


Our regular business meetings are the first Thursday of every month. Only Masons in good standing are allowed to attend the business meetings. If you’d like to attend, please contact our secretary for the meeting location and time.

Want to Learn More?

If you would like to learn more, please contact us or introduce yourself personally by attending on of our public meetup events.